Modifying additives for polymer compositions (paints, plasticates, compounds, etc.) are responsible for 80% of the success of any product into which they are introduced. Such substances are responsible for the quality stability of paintwork materials, performance characteristics of finished polymer coatings, optimize the cost of compositions and facilitate the technological process, reducing processing costs.
Degradation under the influence of UV radiation is the reason of polymer materials destruction not less often than significant mechanical and abrasion loads. In order to increase light fastness and resistance to abrasion we have developed and repeatedly tested TS 101 product, which is in fact a modification of corundum. TS 101 modifying additive combines the ability to influence processing properties of compounds and polymer compositions, provide high performance (in particular, abrasion resistance) and act as an antipyrene filler, which prevents inflammability and flame spreading on the surface of the finished product or coating.
Functional Materials Group is a producer of flame retardant fillers, pigments and modifying powder additives. We have our own scientific, technical and production base that allows us to develop, improve and produce micronized products to meet market demands in the shortest possible time.
To find out more and buy polymer modifying additives, to request samples, get technical or commercial advise you can answer several questions in the feedback form or call us by phone: +7 (812) 670 52 36